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Seafarers Center

The Seattle Seafarers Center is located at 1011 SW Klickitat Way, Suite 209, south of Terminal 18 on the south side of Harbor Island.


The Center offers free Wi-Fi, a comfortable lounge with a television, and a chapel.


We also have many items available for free, such as warm clothing (hats, scarves, sweatshirts...), personal toiletries (shampoo, lotion, toothpaste...), sanitary products for women, books, games, and snacks. When you visit, please feel free to take whatever items you need! If you are not able to visit our Center but need certain supplies, please let us know and we can bring some to your ship.


The Center is typically staffed Monday through Friday from 1000 to 1700.


If you plan to visit or would like a ship visit, please call or text/WhatsApp us at 206-455-3624 or email to confirm we are open.




Free Stuff Shelf at the Center.jpg
Crewmembers bundle up with free scarves and hats.jpg

1011 SW Klickitat Way, Suite 209

Seattle, WA 98134

Office Phone: 206-935-3439

WhatsApp for Seafarers: 206-455-3624

©2024 Seattle Seafarers' Center -- Mission to Seafarers Seattle

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