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Ditty Bag Pattern

Getting Ready -- A Few Basics:


  • A finished ditty bag is 14 inches long by 12 inches wide, with a turned down

casing of 1 and 1/2 inches.

  • Add an additional 1 and 1/2 inches to the length dimension for the casing.

  • When you begin sewing the bag, use 1/2 inch seam allowances.

  • If you are able to fold the fabric to eliminate one side seam or the bottom

seam, be sure not to include that seam allowance when cutting.

Sewing Instructions:

  1. With right sides together, sew the bottom seam and one side seam.

  2. Working on the wrong side of the fabric on the unsewn side, measure up from the bottom seam line, marking in the side seam allowance at 13 inches and again at 14 inches.

  3. Sew this side seam right sides together, leaving the 1 inch gap open.

  4. Turn down the 1 and 1/2 inch top casing to the inside, and topstitch in place 1 inch from the top.

  5. Turn bag right side out.

  6. Thread a 1 yard long piece of cording through the casing. Knot cord ends.

For an Alternative Ending:

  • Turn down the top casing over the drawstring, pin the edge and sew down about 3/4″ from the top, enclosing the cord.

  • Turn inside out and knot the ends of the cord together.


Some Final Thoughts:

  • Suggested fabrics include medium weight flannel, cotton or denim.


  • Suggested cording should be a maximum of 1/4” in diameter. Please do not use embroidery floss, yarn or twine.

Once you are finished, send your finished bags to:

The Seattle Seafarers' Center

1011 SW Klickitat Way, Suite #209

Seattle, WA 98134

and thank you!


1011 SW Klickitat Way, Suite 209

Seattle, WA 98134

Office Phone: 206-935-3439

WhatsApp for Seafarers: 206-455-3624

©2024 Seattle Seafarers' Center -- Mission to Seafarers Seattle

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