Ship Visiting

Every day, up to seven container ships and bulk carriers berth at the Port of Seattle. The Center aims to visit every crew at least one time while they are alongside in Seattle.
On one level, ship visiting is simple. We welcome seafarers to Seattle and provide pastoral presence, so that crews know they are seen and appreciated. Ship visiting can also be a profound experience, for both the visitor and the crew. Visitors and crews discover what it means to be both guest and host at the same time.
When you are a new ship visitor, a seasoned member of the Center will accompany you on your first few visits. Once you are comfortable navigating visits, we can schedule you for regular visits based on your availability.
Please reach out at if you are interested in becoming a ship visitor!
Ship Visiting Next Steps after your first visit
​Purchase steel toed boots.
Obtain a TWIC card:
Complete some basic ship visitor training: This has been created and is offered by the Merchant Navy Welfare Board. Contact us at for log-in information.
If you plan to drive one of the vehicles, complete a background check and provide a copy of your current driver's license to the Center. (